Thursday, September 2, 2010

Tomorrow off I go to Inverness!

Tomorrow I'll take the train to Inverness. Invierno in spanish means Winter, so can't help relating the place to the season... Thinking a lot of the weather, how rainy or windy it will be (not very nice according to this )
And sort of wondering the whole thing to be honest, I guess it's because I'm a bit worried about the fundraising. I was only able to take the decision to come to a little late (work was interfering with the important stuff) so all the fundraising ideas seem quite delayed. I have contacted some of the local media and didn't get any response so that has put me down a lot. But I'll get there, even if it means doing lemonade or taking my sister garden's apples and cooking apple struddle and pies to sell by the road... I'll get there!
If you have any ideas come on drop me a line I'm open to hear anything... need to sleep! always a rush before leaving, always!

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