Friday, December 3, 2010

Message from Inmarsat-C Mobile
The Bloody 25's
The bloody 25's
There's a big stretch of Ocean in the Southern Hemisphere called the Southern Ocean. It's usually talked within sailors as it's the route most of the around the world races take place, and are these water where many boats, men and dreams have been broken.
Sailors usually coming from the North Atlantic round Cape of Good Hope in South Africa and go Eastwards using the predominant westerly winds of these latitudes and then go past Cape Leeuwin in Autralia and Cape Horn in Chile before going upwards back to Europe usually. In the Southern Ocean, they sail over ten thousand miles in the belt between the 40th and the 60th parallels, commonly known in sailing literature as the Roaring Forties, the Furious Fifties and the Screaming Sixties.
We're now on 22 degrees North and yesterday in 25 degrees of latitude experienced some wind conditions most of us will remember and talk about it for a long time.
Sure it was not the Roaring forties and there was not much Screaming, but those Bloody 25 degrees had some fury on it. There's not many people who wouldn't call 61 knots horrible, and it was quite a thing.

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