Friday, November 26, 2010

Message from Inmarsat-C Mobile
Searching the winds
It's almost four days now at sea and quite busy ones. We've had winds since we left the shelter of the Canaries and making good progress along with the other boats.
We had a good kite run on the second and third day with speeds constantly over 15 knots and maximums of 18's. After that we've been experiencing some windshifts due to a cold front that passed yesterday afternoon with some gusts up to 32 knots in the squalls.
That was the first of the two cold fronts we were expecting for these days, with the second one arriving tomorrow early morning and with winds expecting to reach above 40 knots and maybe more right when the front hits us. After that we'll have a day or two with winds up to 25 knots after which we are supposed to head towards Saint Marteen.
A bit of anxiety with the expectative of strong winds tomorrow morning. Enjoying some good sleep in the last day, but my mind is constantly circling around what will it be like and for how long those winds will last. It's been since the Fiji - New Zealand passage 3 years ago that I haven't been in serious seas and although I don't want to be there, and I will question why I do this, why am I here and who made me do this? I'm quite looking forward to it, in a masochist sort of way I know... But either we keep south and get light winds or we beat through it north bound for a while and enjoy the stronger favourable winds later on. So north we go...

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